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  • #42268

    Memphis Rap

    Is new music sounding better than old school or has music gone backwards?! What artist(s) come to mind that actually sound better today than their old (style or music) or just better than old school period? Use this thread to post up replies or just post up what (or who) you feel is hot today or (was) back in the day.

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    Good question, personally I feel it’s gone backwards because lyrics in new music seem to not matter as much as old school, it’s more just catchy hooks and stuff today, although some new artists are bringing lyrics

    Funky Town.. Memphis, Tennessee



    I agree with mrfunkytown.



    yeah memphis needs to change its image of rapping but im trying to start a talent management co here in the south memphis/mississippi area and im looking for someone who has a studio i can use in the mean time ?


    Old school is the Mecca of pure originality, relativity, and straight up and down hardcore/funky/Ill Art with much more Creativity. Not to mention the beats and sound back then, well to me was much more phat with style. simply epic

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