teen films Michael Brown shooting story hoax

Teen DID NOT Film Michael Brown Full Shooting, Video Is Not Real, Story Is Fake!

teen films Michael Brown shooting story hoax

If you’re looking for the video of the Michael Brown full shooting allegedly filmed by a teen from his window from inside his home, just know it is a fake video.

A link is circulating over social media sites such as Facebook claiming to take you to a video of the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown shot by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson which happened on August 9th.

The link does not take you to an actual video but instead it is just a hoax driving people to a false page that redirects users elsewhere.

Now what is an actual update of the Darren Wilson shooting and case is the recent news of the shocking mistake made by the prosecutors in the case of Darren Wilson’s decision by the grand jury.

Prosecutors Make SHOCKING Mistake With Ferguson Grand Jury Before Darren Wilson Testified

Apparently the Ferguson jury was handed an out of date statute which may have led the jury into believing that it was OK for police to shoot a fleeing suspect, however as of 1985 in the case of Tennessee vs Garner, where a teen in Memphis, TN was shot in the back of the head fleeing from a police, the Supreme Court deemed it no longer permissible for cops to shoot fleeing suspects.

Tennessee vs. Garner Case Is Why Cops Like Darren Wilson Can’t Shoot Fleeing Suspects

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  1. Seriously though where is this video? I remember seeing it. It’s very real and shows him running and putting his hands up while getting shot down.

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