The RapTV show host Joe Gotti, who has been the victim of mass popularity and media coverage over the past couple of weeks is back in the media again due to a controversial TV footage of himself toting an automatic assault weapon and cussing on his local public access show.
Though this may be the case, local media has depicted the RapTV host as a villain, criminal and Television outlaw. Just recently the Memphis’ Metro Gang Unit announced it is investigating the public access show that Joe Gotti hosts and Time Warner Cable has officially pulled the plug as of Wednesday on all rap shows on public access television in Memphis pending investigation.
This has mainly come about due to complaints from locals such as Porcha Gray of Memphis who, in an interview with WREG Channel News 3 in Memphis, stated “I don’t think it was appropriate for TV at all. Children of all ages watch TV and they shouldn’t be around stuff like that, cussing and saying n***** I don’t appreciate that.”
In response to why pull the plug on all rap shows, Time Warner Communications Officer Joe Williams stated that “We want to ensure they all understand the rules and regulations to make sure they don’t run a foul up.”
Time Warner reportedly allows any show on public access as long no one is selling anything, using bad language or showing nudity.
If you missed out on the controversial shows mentioned then you can look forward to a DVD copy Raw & UnCut to be released soon and Joe Gotti has told he is not taking the pulling of his TV show lying down. He plans to prove that his show hasn’t violated anyone’s rights and urges fellow Memphis rap artists to stand up and support local TV that supports them.
In a phone conversation with Joe Gotti (July 28th, 2004) the RapTV’s host gave the scoop on the new DVD he quotes as “If they think they’ve seen something already, they haven’t seen nothing yet!” Get set for RapTV’s Underground Raw & Uncut Vol. 1 & 2 to be hitting the streets soon. Gotti, who was calling from 201 Poplar and is on lockdown for the next 11 days, states Raw & Uncut will give everybody the real deal with the Memphis rap underground scene with an entourage of video clips dating back 7 years.
If you have a comment or letter that you would like to voice to the public or directly to Joe Gotti himself then feel free to comment here, write us at the address below and/or call to leave a message on our news hotline at 901-332-3504 or toll free at 1-866-394-MRAP (6727) Ext 2.
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