Moderators & Administrators

Team up with & expose your talents to the thousands worldwide over the internet who visit our site everyday and grow in the Industry with a site making a difference!

Community & Forum Moderators
1. Daily support for other community members via Forum & Email.
2. Check, warn any abusive members, and moderate any abusive posts on a daily basis.
3. Full promotion and marketing of your community forum which can include banners, links, messages to groups, invites to others etc…
4. Keep your MRap forum updated with new discussions if none are already posted.

1. You are a community member and that you are familiar with the forum subject you choose.
2. You remain an active MRap community member.
3. Have some knowledge of the Internet (Internet Savvy).
4. You are self-motivated & dedicated to developing & bringing tons of activity & members to your forum.

1. Banners to promote your site: minimum of 1,000 per month (depends on size of community – should you increase the size of the community & and/or the activity of your forum then this will increase your monthly impressions)
2. Free support from with any promotions you wish to organize over the site so long as it is also community networked.

1. You can help define the future of and gain reference to the tons of upcoming opportunities within our Industry network & growing site online.
2. Plus, we will soon celebrate just about every success at MRap with an event including rewards to those who helped in our success (possibly you!).
3. Not to mention that your name & support will be recognized by tens of thousands of people a month worldwide who use our community every day.

Other available job opportunities.
Media Journalism/Interviewers
Sales & Marketing